Custom Knockoutjs Bindinghandler For Dynamic Bootstrap Tooltips
Solution 1:
The root of the problem is that the update binding isn't firing, because it doesn't have a dependency on the properties that you are trying to update (i.e. firstName and address);
Normally you can delegate these properties to a new binding and let knockout automatically handle the dependency tracking. However, in this case, you're actually returning a string, so the element's automatic binding can't be used. A string is necessary, because that's how the tooltip works. If it could dynamically read from a DOM element, then the automatic bindings would work, but because it requires a HTML string, there's no way for the bindings to affect that.
Couple of options that I see:
1. Automatically create a dependency on the properties used by the template. This can be done by isolating the template view model (data) as seen in this fiddle:
//create a dependency for each observable property in the data objectfor(var prop in templateData)
if( templateData.hasOwnProperty(prop) && ko.isObservable(templateData[prop]))
2. Instead of using an DOM-based template, use ko.computed to generate the template inside your view model. This will automatically create the dependencies as needed. See this fiddle for an example of that:
var vm = {
firstName: ko.observable('Initial Name'),
address: ko.observable('55 Walnut Street, #3'),
changeTooltip: function () {
this.firstName('New Name');
vm.tooltipHtml = ko.computed(function () {
return"<h2>" + vm.firstName() + "</h2>" +
"<span>" + vm.address() + "</span>";
note: In both fiddles, I have refactored things a tiny bit - mostly for simplification
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