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Jquery .getjson Firefox 3 Syntax Error Undefined

I'm getting a syntax error (undefined line 1 test.js) in Firefox 3 when I run this code. The alert works properly (it displays 'work') but I have no idea why I am receiving the sy

Solution 1:

I found a solution to kick that error

$.ajaxSetup({'beforeSend': function(xhr){
    if (xhr.overrideMimeType)

Now the explanation: In firefox 3 (and I asume only firefox THREE) every file that has the mime-type of "text/xml" is parsed and syntax-checked. If you start your JSON with an "[" it will raise an Syntax Error, if it starts with "{" it's an "Malformed Error" (my translation for "nicht wohlgeformt"). If I access my json-file from an local script - no server is included in this progress - I have to override the mime-type... Maybe you set your MIME-Type for that very file wrong...

How ever, adding this little piece of code will save you from an error-message

Edit: In jquery 1.5.1 or higher, you can use the mimeType option to achieve the same effect. To set it as a default for all requests, use

$.ajaxSetup({ mimeType: "text/plain" });

You can also use it with $.ajax directly, i.e., your calls translates to

    url: "json/test.js",
    dataType: "json",
    mimeType: "textPlain",
    success: function(data){
    } });

Solution 2:

getJSON may be insisting on at least one name:value pair. A straight array ["item0","item1","Item2"] is valid JSON, but there's nothing to reference it with in the callback function for getJSON.

In this little array of Zip codes:


... I was stuck until I added the {"result": tag. Afterward I could reference it:

        function(data) {
            $.each(data.result, function(i, item) {
                alert(item[0]+ " " + i);
                if (i > 4 ) returnfalse;

... I also found it was just easier to use $.each().

Solution 3:

This may sound really really dumb, but change the file extension for test.js from .js to .txt. I had the same thing happen with perfectly valid JSON data files with pretty well any extension except .txt (example: .json, .i18n). Since I've changed the extension, I get the data and use it just fine.

Like I said, it may sound dumb but it worked for me.

Solution 4:


I have this same error when testing the web page on my local PC, but once it is up on the hosting server the error no longer happens. Sorry - I have no idea of the reason, but thought it may help someone else track down the reason

Solution 5:

Try renaming "test.js" to "test.json", which is what Wikipedia says is the official extension for JSON files. Maybe it's being processed as Javascript at some point.

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