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Jquery .change() Event Not Firing In Ie

I've got a dialog that performs a calculation that is dependant on three input fields. When any of them are changed it checks whether they are all filled and if they are it proces

Solution 1:

As you are targeting text input elements, have you tried using a different event? So instead of change use, for example, keyup? $("#ltv-dialog input").keyup( function() {. This will fire after every keypress.

Solution 2:

Using jQuery .on() also might solve your problem. Use it like this :

jQuery("#ltv-dialog").on("change", "input", function(){
     alert("It works !");
     //your javascript/jQuery goes here


Solution 3:

I had the same issue: Below fix worked for me:

Instead of: $("#ltv-dialog input").change( function() {

I used: $('#ltv-dialog').on('input', function() {

Solution 4:

Please try with using each instead of change / click , which is working fine even first time in IE as well as other browsers

Not Working a first time

$("#checkboxid").change(function () {


Working fine even first time

$("#checkboxid").each(function () {


Solution 5:

Use the live function, it usually makes it work ...

$("#YOURTHING").live("change", function(){



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